Saturday, April 30, 2011


another wild pass at nobody? not. i am passing this on to God.

IT is very sad to see these Serbian Young Turks (all the Young Turks werent really Turkish but Jewish instead)who believe that by pushing me around they will obtain the status of Novak Djokovic and become National Heroes in the eyes of the NaTION. As if someone is suggesting them. I verily cannot be safe at public transportation as someone is keeping this situation on THE "hot and cold" menu. As soon as I adApt and believe that I am invincible (check if invincible or invisible? ) again there comessome unknown Serbian Young thug or thugs who kick me around or make my life miserable. These are the same Serbian cowards who chased Armenians in Belgrade several decades ago, which only implies you cannot be sitting on two chairs at the same time. Either you are a Turk or not. Gone are the times (and thanks be to Lord, with them the journalists too who propagated violence in their articles) when national heroes were toughed out on the basketball courts in Belgrade and on the streets plaqued by murders, drugs, and crime. These national heroes were popularized in newspapers and the crime was the only way to the top. Our new hero is Novak Djokovic and these young hooligans need to know that rap music, guns and violence can help their peers in the countries that nowadays do not have 2 top players in the top twenty (need not naming a few) - not in Serbia anymore.

Milos Vujasinovic is a collector, painter, critic, curator, consultant, poet, tennis referee, music lover and writer. After studying law and defence at the University of Belgrade he was distracted by the military role-call to fight in Yugoslav Wars. Unwilling to misemploy his uncowardly valiance, he commanded his future and set out for USA where he was seduced by the lure of art and has been so ever since. Vujasinovic has since returned to Belgrade where he has lived for nearly 9 years trading collectibles and doing translation work per invitation.

"As an artist, I am afraid that after me they will go after my art and destroy everything I ever made.This fear blocks my personal advancement." - Milos Vujasinovic

Here's another clue: During a lecture Nikola Tesla was giving away at Columbia University another American Serb Mihajlo Pupin and his cohorts were whistling, making man made noises with metal objects, kicking desks, and disturbing Tesla to the point of deep agitation. Later Tesla had to bring Pupin to court to have him testify under oath that Markoni stole Tesla's patents. Jealous Pupin even forgot when Tesla helped him when Pupin came to America. Meanwhile Pupin became the lodge member. Why was Pupin making noises? It was because Tesla was not a member of any lodge and was not Pupin's by-brother. He did not care that Tesla was right and that they both stemmed from the same country. Maybe I am wrong but perhaps there are some lodges of equity ### type in USA where for the members to be initiated it is necessary to make something evil to somebody from their Church, a countryman so to say, to prove unlimited allegiance to the brotherhood just like mafia members have to kill someone they know without remorse only to show they do not bring in any emotions in the business. In the same sense, I deeply feel I was killed too when they deconstructed my family. However, unlike Tesla I did not have powerful friends to regain my balance. I am gone. If that is not so when those that did it are not even liable to be accounted for it must be that those 2% of psychopats in any population had found their ways into the lodges wherefrom they can unlimitedly and unaccountably destroy families. in the same sense, to face the reality, i heard "she belongs to me" meaning in context that someone said somewhere that my ex-wife was meant for him. by no means this was judge's mistake of any sort, it was a judicial favor to some brother, the lodge member, as they assume with power they hold they can have everything and everything was meant for them. iNFAMOUS FOR NOTHING

that said let me quote the famous serbian writer jasmina: "slava - stanje u kojem cete biti voljeni velikom kolicinommrznje. stanje u kojem cete gubiti dotadasnje prijatelje i sticati vrlo , vrlo malo novih. stanje u kojem ste potpuno sami sa milionima obozavalaca. stanje u kojem ste poput kuceta. svako vas moze dodirnuti, ili baciti kamen na vas. stanje koje se ne prasta. bar ne u srba. he naturally does not end up with 'it's always sunny in Philadelphia...' I CANNOT AGREE MORE AND I DO NOT WANT TO BE FAMOUS AROUND HERE FOR NOTHING ANYMORE!!! PERIOD.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


odstrel - the elimination

My family was the most important thing in my life. I am writing this because it was intentionally broken down. Today (Belgrade - Serbia April 27th 2011) Serb looses it on the street of Belgrade, snaps: "All artificial artifacts are doomed to collapse...: sve vjestacke tvorevine moraju propasti!" I was totally shaken. For the reasons stated below, my first association was that he was referring to my marriage. Whoever (prime candidates are: US Government and Serbian Secret Services) destroyed relationship between me and my wife HAD HAD TO disqualify it as well as our marriage as it was the only way to justify and explain this UNREALISTIC and UNSPEAKABLE DIRTY DEED AGAINST ONE FAMILY THAT DOES NOT EXIST ANYMORE. By lying, they had to sweep it under the carpet, and even though it is debatable whether one is breaking international laws when attacking Colonel Ghadafi, together with my family before they came into our lives, I lived in unspeakable peace. They destroyed even the peace of mind I had found. Crime Never Minds!!!

When I first came to Philadelphia, I got a job at Drexel University and after some time the black coworkers and pranksters (administrative workers from Drexel) set me up with some woman who was twice my age, I was 22 and she was 44 and was not my type but she fell in love. She was Drexel employee. Not only after she told me how many boyfriends she had, I decided to bail out but she went on to obsessively retaliate. And she confirmed she would as I became her obsession. It is easy to imagine who was taking advantage of whom. All of a sudden things became unbearable for me. She was threatening with her Italian father, the butcher from some place around Philadelphia and Italian brothers. Things started happening as the entire Italian (Catholic) clan from Drexel and Philadelphia Police came up against me. Philadelphia is almost entirely Catholic place and Italian and Jewish ties are the strongest so finally they waited for the moment when I made a family to destroy it. Jewish judge who ordered me out of USA did not even consider that I had a family. He who laughs last.... To me it is not funny, it just proves what piece of shit people there are and what kind of country America is. If you are not backed up strongly or at least in numbers (as by the community) your name is mud. When it happened to me, all the guys I know were scared to death as it was only two years after 9.11 and these monsters picked the right time to act. Without even sentencing me these Italian swines destroyed my family by physically separating me from my legal wife and child. Naturally they lied all the way and everything anti-me is one big lie from those whose name out of despise I do not want to even mention. They killed Christ. Like in the time of Old and New Testaments they gave themselves such unconstituional rights. I centered my family to be an essence of my existence, to provide, care and live for. I wish my luck with my family becomes the luck of Drexel and University of Pennsylvania students in learning, family life, physical and mental health, getting employment, finances, and in general life.

To whom it may concern, my entire situation brings American systems' credibility and their good nature into serious doubt minus the ability of those systems to marginilize and further distress the wrongful cases they create.
FRom the very moment I was captured I thought I was in some secret government punitive program. All the guards in Pike County Prison looked as if they were made by the same forefather, probably famous Free Mason Albert Pike. They all had same styled mysterious signs on their hair like Serbian President Borius Tadic does. In comparison, it is known that 98% Mongols carry the genes of Kublai Kan. Inside I overheard it is the private American prison run by the Italian Catholics and most likely Vatican. Some indications I recollected were when my wife was taken in for the interview by some mysterious insurance company agents which I now believe were undercover Federal agents (coming out of woodwork in the post 9/11 world) of some secret CIA type agency. That was when I was free. They probably asked her whether she would follow me if "I suddenly left (they probably did not say they'd kick me out) the country", I am sure, so they had it all down how the things were going to develop. It is a plain government (power lines as they call it there) crime as I see it. In the prison, I overheard guards that someone was occasionally coming to monitor me through the black mirrors; there were cameras and black mirrors everywhere. What this means to me is that secret agencies have to create and check on the unexisting menace in order to continue receiving huge salaries. Inside I was put in numerous confronting situations. It appeared as if all the guys there were federal agents, actors; it was hard to believe they were all real people brought in, picked and chosen with some order or with the help of powerful computer programs, to make the things "interesting" for me and for them. I felt as if I was someone's pawn in the Parchesi game. There were numerous coincidences, too numerous to mention which leads me to believe that it was all a setup to the minutest detail. It was probably something that Americans were developing for the suspected Eastern Europian spies or Al Quaida. There were some grave coincidences really concerning that I do not want to ever mention but let's say they brought in the Iranian guy who was the owner of a hotel in the same small-time place where my ex wife worked and he was to be released on bail although there were no grounds imo, at least in comparison to my case. Alleged Albanian killer (Selca Anthony who killed judge and police sergeant) who was to split cell with me together with the Colombian sentenced to 8 years for drug trafficking and they had secret weapons in the cell which they showed me. He said do not be afraid I am Albanian Catholic not Muslim. They all either played off that they will go out after my wife when they come out, while the Albanian said he will "fuck her". Now, if I was in the cell with convicted criminals it was obvious that I was sentenced for something, however, I had never seen ANY judge and was not delivered any paperwork ever. They drugged me and made me sign something. They said if I do not sign I will stay in the prison forever. I never felt better in my life after taking those drugs. I am talking one fo the following:

Substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public.
Substances which increase the efficiency of mentation and perception.
Materials which will prevent or counteract the intoxicating effect of alcohol.
Materials which will promote the intoxicating effect of alcohol.
Materials which will produce the signs and symptoms of recognized diseases in a reversible way so that they may be used for malingering, etc.
Materials which will render the induction of hypnosis easier or otherwise enhance its usefulness.
Substances which will enhance the ability of individuals to withstand privation, torture and coercion during interrogation and so-called "brain-washing".
Materials and physical methods which will produce amnesia for events preceding and during their use.
Physical methods of producing shock and confusion over extended periods of time and capable of surreptitious use.
Substances which produce physical disablement such as paralysis of the legs, acute anemia, etc.
Substances which will produce "pure" euphoria with no subsequent let-down.
Substances which alter personality structure in such a way that the tendency of the recipient to become dependent upon another person is enhanced.
A material which will cause mental confusion of such a type that the individual under its influence will find it difficult to maintain a fabrication under questioning.
Substances which will lower the ambition and general working efficiency of men when administered in undetectable amounts.
Substances which promote weakness or distortion of the eyesight or hearing faculties, preferably without permanent effects.
A knockout pill which can surreptitiously be administered in drinks, food, cigarettes, as an aerosol, etc., which will be safe to use, provide a maximum of amnesia, and be suitable for use by agent types on an ad hoc basis.
A material which can be surreptitiously administered by the above routes and which in very small amounts will make it impossible for a person to perform physical activity.

This mood stabilizer was in addition to the stuff they poured in prison water reservoir that causes weight gain and permanent loss of libido.However, when I see my prison mugshot taken for passport following all this, it is all clear then. Charles "the Nazi Killer" Honeyman, I had mentioned earlier is in d completely different ballpark and was probably some reason I was there although I was never sure. There were numerous attempts by the guards and prison population to discredit my relationship with my wife although I never talked about it and/or brought it to question. (!) This to me is the plain giveaway (clue why I was there - psychological warfare and terror). In this regard, esp. Mexicans somehow thought that by making sexual act noises and showing cuckold symbols with their hands and arms will by doing that get to me. As if someone was retaliating for something against me even though I had never ever fucked or made advances against anybody's wife. In this regard, there were some writings posted on the but my satisfaction will be when these bastards go to hell, no matter if they are the owners or users of that effin web site. Mother fuckers! There is a rumor in Serbia that the entire Serbian population is sentenced to a hundred years by Vatican in connection to 1914 Sarajevo assassination. Although I am not Serbian nationalist by any means, after my prison experience and forced break up of family that is exactly how I felt all the time while being in America, like a reject, nobody, "crazy man", under surveillance, and a usual suspect. Then again, all other Serbian people I know were well connected with friends, coworkers, and relatives who would stood up for and behind them. Unfortunately, I had nobody.

Last minute follow up: Serbs are probably the most naive bigots in the world. Being naive and partisan is highly dangerous combination. Why? Either they did not read my text fully or someone is maliciously advising them: they are now spreading rumors in Belgrade that I was not in the prison at all and for nothing, but that I was in the loony bin instead. I wrote Pike County Coorectional Facility, York County Prison, etc, I did not write Pike County Insane Asylum, etc, as such thing don't exist. I just cannot grasp why o why was I put in the same basket with those that are not even my brothers in thought?!!! Why do I had to suffer for their international sins like the killing of Ferdinand etc. I can see no other reason for this what happened to me other than the malicious rumors or some international punishment for all Serbs in general.

Here is what other Americans think of the same jail which is 100 times better than the next jail they led me to which is: Berks County Jail.Again, this is not the point, the only point is to prove to Serbian readers that it is the real jail not insane asylum. "...I was put in a room that was about 33 degrees, there was no beds or toilet paper...I ask for theses things and was put in solitary confinement...after about a day and a half A woman came over a speaker and told me to wipe my ass with my hand...I said my taxes had paid for me to have toilet paper and and I got no reply...all night long you hear people screaming for being rapped...menstruating women go for days until they get pads,Black Mold is everywhere,...If you want to get an accurate idea of what the Pike Co. jail is really like without actually being there, watch the movie "Midnight Express"(its about an American who gets jailed in a Turkish prison),while youre trying to eat unedible roadkill ,locked in a truck-stop public-restroom,with the guy in the next stall takin a crap the size of a pontiac....thats about the rosiest picture I can paint for ya." Still, Pike Co Jail was one world better from York County Jail and thousand times better than Berks County Jail where they took me next on. My ex girl friend - not a girlfriend - was Greek American from rich family in Berks County. She was more obsessed with me than the one from Drexel U. However, she thought I was a cheap "Siberian" toy, as she was born in America she could not pronounce Serbia let alone imagine where it'd be. She did not give a cat's piss about my wonts, so I broke the 2 year long relationship before getting married. When they took me down there I immediately thought of her and her revenge. So I may say that I was probably dead meat pressed by and between Italian Catholics and Greek Orthodox on the other side. There an't no such things called love.

 another important thing there were several people living in the united states (3 out of which in pennsylvania) with exact first and last names i have. knowing what kind of disaster federal records system was as they were coming out of woodwork post 9/11 who knows whose records feds came up with under my name. this is in reference to His Higness American JUDGE charles m "the nazi slayer" honeyman who at one point promised that he will check my federal records before issuing me an american passport, and who also became the public executioner of milos vujasinovic, THE myself, as of 2002.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

by the head of St. John.

First of all L I am the free man and I do not give a shit about the prevalence of any Belgrade Mason whatsoever. Those who want to destroy and poison my brothers. Now,
I have seen Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia along with her husband, as well as Milomir Maric, the famous journalist, as well as Nadezda Perovic - Baletic "Nada Nosorog" the famous antiquarian [u moju radnju svrate svi od Roma do...], as well as Zoran Ramovic, another antique dealer and manager of Serbian paraoccultists as well as Bosko Puletic another art dealer as well as Ilija Djordjevic art dealer whose dealings with Gypsies on Kalenic market where even described in the famous art book as well as many other famous people, architects, lawyers, film-makers, buying various stuff from Gypsies on Kalenic market on daily basis in Belgrade.
More recently, I have overheard on several occasions that someone there will cut my crotch and balls and this is quite a serious threat when you overhear drunken Gypsies who do not start yapping it up there. Today, as I was carrying groceries in both arms walking up Vitanovacka Street, the guy that was coming down the street in purple shirt motioned me to look at him as he made that slashing motion around the location of his dick. This is when I decided to write this up. Like I have no other stuff to worry about.
Well, since I did not cheat on anyone there neither I stole anything from anyone (the only two ways to irritate Gypsies&those similar to them and make them charge at someone), and when the Gypsies there make man made noises when I go by and tell these stories, I think it is the buying "competition" who thinks I am too smart for them, getting better deals, finding better stuff, who is eventually putting out these rumors to get rid of me. Now before someone there "cuts my personals" for five or fifty bucks, and I cannot watch my back all of the time, let me tell you the following:
I swear here by the head of St. John the Baptist that once I find out who initiated these rumors, may they be my brothers, their bodies will swing underneath Belgrade bridges "without dicks and without balls" with pockets stuffed with money. They will be Holy then as well as their children and the rest of their kin. As of now on, there will be some murders in Belgrade, just adding two and two instead of two and one and do not bother asking yourself "why", like I do all of the time.

Last minute follow up: 1. Serbs are freaking me out. They had destroyed my family and now want to fight me. There is that evil look in their eyes as if I was Serb-killing Croat. It's another hate crime. 2. Somebody really powerful who presses Gypsy leaders [I heard of some Gypsy King Ackovic] perhaps pushed by USA is setting up Gypsies to charge me. It is a hate crime. Today in public transportation one Gypsy with children cursed my mother and told his Gypsy "brother": "You know, he is crazy, he is crazy, you know ..." It reminds me of the time when Tito brought some students from Africa. Serbs had never seen a black man and they danced around them like wild monkeys mocking and mock offering bananas to blacks. I did not want to engage in any confrontation as I am to smart for that, however, it also means I cannot travel by busses and set my foot wherever Gypsies are and I am the free man. No, it cannot work that way either. The only bright moment today was when I saw Janko Tipsarevic cruising coolely in his black M-Benz in this sea of human madness.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Ain't no mercy on the streets of this town...catwalkin' doesn't pay

I ain't lookin' for prayers or pity I ain't comin' 'round searchin' for a crutch I just want someone to talk to And a little of that human touch Just a little of that human touch

Thursday, April 14, 2011

SERBIAN SWINES Essay on G-Swine Nikolic's Art

Since I started writing this terrible blog, I've come to a conclusion that Serbia is full of bastards, aweful people that make me sick. One of them is Gordan Nikolic "a professor" of fine art at Belgrade Fine Arts Academy. I mean to put it bluntly this guy is son of the bitch. He has no idea what painting is, and he teaches the art of painting. I know any write up is good marketing no matter whether good or bad-bound, but this is not a criticism of his work. Guy has no morals. What is the issue? His painting skills and technology is so bad that after several years the painting layers (acrylic and tempera?) on the work bought (by the original owner) from the art gallery (when this guy was little known and thanks be to God he still is) as a wedding present and painted in 1995 is so cracked up and lifted off the "hammer paper" that can be seen under the glass. If taken out of frame the cracked layers would shatter into a thousand pieces. Any fool with just a small amount of knowledge of painting technology knows why this happens. However, THIS IS "THE PROFESSOR". nIKOLIC'S painting and technology are plain shit. The guy is screwing the system and generation after generation of unknowing students since someone got him the job as it is always the case in Serbia through political or family connection. For all of this Serbian systems suck big time. If girls want to get many passing grades at Belgrade Fine Art Academy they should just unselfishly offer their pussies. It is a known fact. They will not learn how to get a good fuck neither they will get some skills in art. I offered this pig to exchange 1 for 1 for another, newer work of the same size since I invested money into his shit. He did not even want to negotiate let alone take a look at it. He calls all of his rejects "The Masks"... the title is a plain giveaway and good term to mark/mask his ignorance. Although it an't a half-decent comparison with the magnitude of this Serbian shit, imagine if Ford or BMW sold cars without available spare parts. I can only throw his cracker away, write this account and say good bye to my good money. Stinking bitch! This pork thinks if Zepter Museum has put his shit into their permanent connection he is the boss. Producing 20 a day and does not stand behind a single one. He is an art goner.

All these guys I am writing about inclusive of Fine Art Faculty, Yugoslav Army Cultural Center and perhaps Zepter Museum (whatever they may assume out of this) are sucking the system; their salaries are guaranteed. Negating me as of now on they all are going to go into a fierce confrontation mode and fight against those endangering their blessedly lived ignorance.

Saturday, April 9, 2011 (zavera vlasnika limundo smradova - STINKERS CONSPIRACY!!!)


„no money no honey” apropos ovoga ona cuvena данашња zikina, jel duva uz moravu ili niz moravu (akcenti na moravu), a ima i ona koshava, ili koga shisha * jasno je ko me je uradio, odakle je vetar duvao i ko mi je rasturio porodicu. postoje 4 loze u srbiji

a evo i najnovija vest sve u devetnaest (19) minuta: KLS: Partizan se na vreme uozbiljio ....

Odgovor vlasniku limunda vladimiru nikolicu na njegov sledeci dopis


video sam da je bilo nekoliko krsenja pravila.
Poslao sam Dragani, ona ce ti poslati detaljno obrazlozenje.

Pozdravljam te,
Limundo tim
+381 63 73 09 574

Dragi Vlado
u produzetku su nonsensi zbog kojih sam "kaznjavam". narocito me boli sankcionisanje za "nacizam", prodaja "sa tudjim dokumentom legitimacije" jer predstavljaju prekrsaje po krivicnom zakoniku srbije a vasi navodi naprosto nisu tacni. sto se tice prodaje van limunda mislim da je rec o predmetima koji su mi podvaljeni na limundu, limundo me nije uzeo u zastitu, pa sam iste predmete - falsifikate teniskih reketa head i naocara ray ban - vratio prodavcevim prijateljima, koji su inace clanovi limunda i to van limunda. mislim da moje ocene govore sve o mojim aktivnostima na limundu i van limunda. Imam ih 178 a nijedna nije neutralna ili negativna. ne zelim da imam kriminalni dosije u mupu zbog nacizma i prodaje tudjih dokumenata (aktuelno je pitanje ilegalnih imigranata) pa o ovom svemu otvaram nezavisni topik na mom blogu - otvorene karte pa nek zdrav razum pobedi... takodje nije mi jasno zasto sam sprecen da prodajem preko 1000 predmeta na kupindu, tek da ih postavim trebalo je nekoliko meseci strpljivog rada - fotografisanja i pisanja opisa - koji je anuliran bez pravog obrazlozenja ili mozda nekom zakulisnom radnjom neke organizacije bas u vezi ovog termina "nacizam" sa cim nemam nikakve veze, ovo je prava ljaga na mom imenu. izvinite ali je tako

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Trajna suspenzija naloga na Limundu
Date: Wed, 11 May 2011 10:54:19 +0200
From: Limundo - Spajalica
To: topspin@SBB.RS


zaista nam je zao sto je doslo do trajne suspenzije tvog naloga na Limundu.
Svakako nam nije cilj da clanove suspendujemo, vec da oni dugo i uspesno
koriste Limundo.

Medjutim, veoma je vazno da se clan pridrzava pravila sajta, jer je ovo
nacin da Limundo nesmetano funkcionise.

Kao sto smo te obavestili u poruci koja ti je poslata kada je tvoj nalog
suspendovan, razlozi tvoje suspenzije su sledeci:

1. Zabranjeni podaci:
27.12.2009. 22:29h

2. Zloupotreba Limundo sistema (šaljive aukcije):
23.02.2010. 11:18h ovo je laz da bi se na vreme obezbedile ocene za uklanjanje, saljiva aukcija je bila razglednica lava koji se gleda u ogledalo a vidi macku. To dakle nije smelo da se objavi.

3. Aukcije u pogrešnim kategorijama:
14.03.2010. 10:37h svasta,

4. Prodaja dokumenata:
16.04.2010. 12:56h prodaja neke tapije iz 19-og veka

5. Zabranjeni podaci na aukciji (Link):
04.05.2010. 21:10h postavio link ka wikipediji

6. Zabranjeni podaci na aukciji (Link):
12.05.2010. 16:21h postavio link ka wikipediji

7. Zabranjeni podaci na aukciji (Link):
19.05.2010. 17:01h postavio link ka wikipediji

8. Prodaja duvana:
12.07.2010. 14:31h opet izmisljotina prodao prazne omote kutija od duvana za lulu

9. Zloupotreba Limundo sistema i sofware-a:
14.08.2010. 12:21h opet neka laz

10. Prodaja van Limunda:
26.10.2010. 21:48h objasnjeno

11. Dokumenti i dozvole: 23.03.2011. 16:51h prodao ispravu koja je pripadala cuvenom sahisti koji vise nije ziv. Ne sme se samo u srbiji!!!! izgleda
I dalje su sve nonsensi, a pravi razlog izbacivanja je pre nesto drugo, mozda upravo ovaj blog I mozda samo interesovanje mupa da prati moj limundo nalog I slicno.

Prema pravilima Limunda, clan biva suspendovan
nakon 4 opomene da se nije prodrzavao pravila sajta.

U tvom slucaju smo napravili vise puta izuzetak, upravo zato jer imas dugo
iskustvo na Limundu i hteli smo da ti izadjemo u susret i omogucimo ti
da jos dugo ucestvujes na sajtu.

Ukoliko clan ne prekrsi pravila u roku od 6 meseci, njegov
status se vraca na prethodni.

11.06.2010. 11:58 - vracen status na prethodni zbog sankcionisanja za
nacizam (1087187). za ovo bih voleo da vas tuzim/

15.06.2010. 10:33 vracen status zbog prilagodjavanja i menjanja pravila
za umnozavanje starih spisa (1427449). jedna od najvecih izmisljotina i lazi, nijedan stari spis nisam umnozavao, molim dokaze, i za ovo bih voleo da vas debelo tuzim/

28.10.2010. 15:44 status tvog naloga se vraca na prethodni na racun
za kljucne reci (1626002), upravo zbog toga jer nije bio u pitanju tezak
medjutim, ponovo je doslo do krsenja pravila i mere sankcionisanja za
Prodaju van Limunda. slazem se da je nacizam tezi prekrsaj, ali molim dokaze jer bih voleo da vas tuzim govnari

Ove mere sankcionisanja nisu uzete u obzir prilikom suspenzije naloga.

22.03.2011. 11:36 ti je vracen status jer smo i pored Prodaje van
Limunda hteli da
ti pruzimo sansu da ucestvujes na Limundu, zbog toga jer ostale kazne ne
teske prekrsaje.

Nakon toga ponovo dolazi do krsenja pravila Limunda i to postavljanjem
aukcije sa tudjim
dokumentom legitimacije (2481905).

Jos jednom bih naglasila da nam je veoma zao sto vise nisi clan Limunda.
Dosta ulazemo u edukaciju clanova kako bi sajt mogao nesmetano da
funkcionise i sankcionisanje
se koristi zbog toga da bi Limundovci na vreme bili obavesteni o
vaznosti postovanja pravila sajta i
o tome da jedino na ovaj nacin oni mogu da nastave svoje ucesce na Limundu.

Hvala na razumevanju. bla bla

Limundo tim

Friday, April 8, 2011


As the time goes by I get more certain that Yugoslav Army was a factor that broke up my family and forced me to Serbia back in 2003.

Serious panic attacks coming from rumors they spread around Serbia prevent me from walking free and shopping fully relaxed as I often get very stiff and uncomfortable while shopping as due to these rumors I feel I am always being monitored. Another thing, I cannot approach any girls as due to these rumors I get panic attacks since they also spread rumors about me being homosexual or crazy. I cannot get a real life here...

"what did he do now?":

There is an ongoing exhibition forged around the works of imo a third grade impressionist artist from Serbia - Nadezda Petrovic - in the Yugoslav Army House in Belgrade. Today I decided to take a look and relax a bit there. As soon as I came in the receptionist started following me around asking if she could take a look at my backpack since the number of catalogs on stand did not match her count. She saw me reviewing the catalog so she assumed that I stole one.

I agreed under a condition that if she did not find anything she ought to give me one gratis.

I also started boiling immediately, but went on with viewing the exhibit as nothing happened trying to calm down. Alas, she did not agree with the proposal and went to look for her boss.

Next thing I know, in rushed the boss lady asking the same thing which provoked me to rage. She marched toward me and asked that nonsense blatantly in front of at least ten onlookers which translates to more panic attacks and greater suspicion against me down the line as the rumors get bigger. Why do I have to worry about every shit that happens to anyone. Why do I have to worry about her catalogs, is she accusing me of stealing one or what?!

Deeply frustrated, I went and kicked the catalog stand several times so the books flew around the hall and towards the ceiling. I yelled "You have to stop it, picka ti materina!" meaning this terror has to stop whereby they are accusing me of everything anywhere I go. In the process I broke my toe.

I expected some understanding from the spectators but instead a guy came after me and stood into a karate attacking position. Serbian hero wannabe. Then the Military Police with guns came in, some military officers and Lieut. Col. Biljana Pasic who sort of diffused the situation while appologizing to me numerous times. She said "Please accept me apologies, but that was no way...", however, she did not know how I had felt esp. in these situations where prejudice takes place almost every day anywhere I go in this effin country. As I exited the building, in a matter of minutes the secret service guys dressed in US Secret Service style with neat suits and ties rushed in and before they made it around the corner I heard them saying "What did he do again?" There were two entirely black secret service vehicles "puch pigsauers" parked nearby, one had licence plate BG 310 42. I guess their inquiry explains everything about me around here. They just wait for me to do something again and all those beauts are led into provoking me by hearing all that nonsense about me. Then naturally I will do something about it.

Follow up (09.04.2011): Two old ladies were passing by as I overheard one saying: "...Returning? They are returning only the thieves?" So, there you go, USA and Serbia are winning hands down, and I take the Option c. Reminiscing the good times.

As someone said: "You are a trouble magnet!" It just sticks on me and I cannot shake it off werry well...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bastards & bad apples

Just because at least 32/ of Serbian population enjoys in my misery, laughing when passing by, or provoking in various ways, i.e. by spitting, throwing objects at me, or making noises and generally adding insult to injury, noone in this world does not hate Serbs and Serbia as much as I do. They and their children can enjoy peace and all the benefits of the society but someone else cannot.

The only Serb next to the couple anonymous ones I met or communicated with I approve of is Mr. Djokovic. I am completely shunned from the Serbian society. If - for example - someone from Milosevic family or Goli Otok executioner Jovo Kapicic or Tito's grandson Joska dare come out of their hideouts and dare walk through Belgrade, that is what they would probably get. Even the city fools like Zika Obretkovic have more freedom and love than I do around here. To get an idea of what I am going through, one of the fierce nationalist political players Velimir Ilic was knocked out among tens of his bodyguards in the center city last year. None of them from Tomislav Nikolic to the city major Milovan Djilas dare walk through here without armed bodyguards. They are all ultimate Serbian cowards. They just know the technique of defusing in crowd mamagement: if the raging crowd takes it on me there is less beatings left for them. Memorable occasion happened today, 05.04.2011: as I was waiting for a bus, an unknown fat person around 30yrs old approached head on and there was a girl approaching from behind. without uttering a single word as they met nearby to where i was standing they gave high fives to each other, gloating, and the guy spat into the air with hate. i could have got aids, they were full with glee, they won. fat one - fatso - then came by without paying a single glance all glowing, fully aware all the time of my presence. what if his sister or daughter got aids if someone spat at them in the city, i just wonder.

na isti nacin kao sto sam zaljubljen u forenziku proucavao zasto kur kobejn po svem sudeci nije ubio sebe, sto se nije dopalo insurance kompanijama, tako i srpsko liderstvo oseca strah od neutralnog potencijala. pune gace. spreman sam da preuzmem kormilo i gurnem sve ove zanesenjake i opsenare srpskog politickog zivota u stranu. svu tu djubrad. megalomansku. spreman sam za velike, najfinije poduhvate (grande visionaris) ali su mi zavezali ruke, jer poseduju ono sto ja nemam - moc. zato ova zemlja prosi. ne ide nikuda. oni vam duguju slobodu i pamet tek ako se budete osvestili na vreme.

These people are real bastards. so is darko popovic and all of his company overthere who must have something to do with my american nightmare. i am the golden head i can read through people's mind. Now I can only see why other nations hated Serbs throughout history.

Monday, April 4, 2011

sad to say, had to say this

THROUGH HIS ACTIONS, CHARLES M. HONEYMAN STANDS FOR THE MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF AMERICANS. me and my wife did not end our relationship. american judge honeyman ended our relationship. who was he confronting? me, personally? or the state of serbia whose subject i was at the time? or since his actions were completely unconstitutional, was he confronting God? or, was he thinking that he was confronting satan? it must be one out of these three choices, it was not me for sure. it just bothering to see that now all of my problems - no matter how dire they are - aren't bigger from the problem that this american judge - whose nickname as i can see on internet is "nazi terminator from philadelphia" - has created for me. HITLER'S HENCHMAN FROM PHILADELPHIA. HITLER'S HENCHMAN? OF COURSE I GOT ISSUES HERETO. hitler's henchman broke up my family for basically nothing. even though they do not know nothing about me, many americans as well as serbs are secretly enjoying this fact. horrible blind hatred. as born predators, they like the blood of the innocent people. hope all those that got involved in this injustice pay their right price for doing it. noone, not one person of any nationality, can be greater than God.

and i must say this to. this is not a waiting game as the public opinion makers are lying it is to protect the order and "good reputation" of the system that ruined my life and family. when i was arrested my piece of shit chinese-american lawyer lied to me "it's not going to last more than two weeks" now it's been close to ten years. judge honeyman turned me into a dead meat and there is nothing to wait for nor there will be. if i thought there was anything good that will come out of this that is worth my patience i would not be writing this blog. i started blogging in 2004. so forth.

all wrong on those that were wrong to me in their thoughts and actions is by me and when i leave this material world i will lay my vengeance upon you with furious anger.,,

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Serbian Police got money to buy ultra modern vehicles and label their licence plates with 0000000 and Icannot see my child for nine (9) years?!Logic!!! Key words: Money, Balkan, United States, Greed, Evil, Lust, Destruction, wash me sometimes. More key words to come, I will jingle these around. Obama, Bush,. Tadic....