Thursday, March 31, 2011


they are monitoring at all times, these two photos were taken in a matter of several seconds, however, as soon as they spotted camera flash one of the upper lights went promptly missing.

During World War II, a number of German physicians conducted painful and often deadly experiments on thousands of concentration camp prisoners without their consent. In 2002, without my consent, someone has destroyed my family and thus performed an experiment as to what happens when two persons in real love are forcefully separated. America favors brutal sex, Puritans are extinct there as a species. Not so many people there have a love life as I had with my wife. I got over fifty (50 plus) case proof letters my wife sent to me while they kept me in the prison like a wild beast, and before they brainwashed her mind. Who are They and why they chose me? BEcause I fit in their concept of unwelcome person. They wanted to get rid of me but also learn something "Freddie the Freeloader" style along the way. In Ancient Greece, many experimental operations are said to have been performed upon condemned criminals who were handed over to the surgeons by the Ptolemies. Condemned criminals were sometimes handed over to the medical profession to be "operated upon and killed in whatever way they thought best" even as late as the sixteenth century. Even though I lived in USA which deems itself to be a civilized society I have been feeling like a Dark Ages convicted criminal since 2002.

unsuspecting .

to make a bad situation even worse a number of these atavistic serbians whose ancestors were fucked by their conquerors, either ottoman turks or austrians or hitler are harrasing me for nothing. it is itching them to upset me. i am crying out a hate crime. little piggy was totally unsuspecting in what type of mess cia was getting me involved into. i reckon as soon as i become a honorary ambassador of israel in serbia they would only be able to spit underneath my window. so for it. big bad bear kome budaletine trose zivce i nerve

next to the terror i am exposed to on the streets, in the supermarkets, post offices, in the public transportation by unknown serbian citizens on daily basis, i am enclosing photos herewith of the nearby skyscraper where it is obvious that at least three very bright lights from several sources are pointed into my window which disturbs my sleep and probably mind if these are some eletromagnetic signal X-mitter type things. who the heck knows. it is obvious that someone has traced my whereabouts and these are perhaps powerful lasers. i get headaches and heartaches all the time. Got less breath than Djokovic does. cia has headquarters in belgrade, and even though this building is full of former and current Serbian Army and police officers, i strongly doubt that it is these jibs who initiated this disturbance to such a point. this must be some very sick american mind and only these idiots are capable of going through with their inquisition this far. why? because they get paid for nothing, these idiots must maintain some crazy mickey mouse situation against me to get their checks in the mail even though i never posed a threat to anyone. i myself do not have anything out of this, just misery.

Monday, March 28, 2011


I thought I was having heart attack. The chest pressure was there since yesterday, pain shooting into my left arm. I decided to go to emergency room at the Urgent Care of the Clinical Center of Belgrade, Serbia. Alas, Serbian doctors can fuck nurses in the hospitals. That is why they cannot get a job in USA. I worked in the hospital in the States and I know how’s the treatment done there. Well, I am not complaining about the doctor that saw me. He was an okay guy. But the guy that did EKG reading, is he the triage nurse or what, as I was lying down he took a heavily wet cleaner and splashed me all over for the first time and an hour later (while taking the 2nd EKG) he splashed that liquid that cleans the skin for EKG cups right into my eye. It was a massive splash. As I was lying down I am not sure if the liquid ricocheted in that amount from my chest or he targeted directly. He was going for it, I am sure. He did not even try to say sorry. If I was Donald Trump in any American hospital and that happened he would have been fired on the spot. On the spot! His name is Amir, and later he asked the doctor to open the windows like in his opinion I stank. I saw a number of old, vomiting and smelly people on several occasions on the floor there and I think he did that to provoke and get my reaction so I know it was on purpose too. If that's the case, I am sure I wash myself more than Amir does. Of course, I will not react to any of these provocations at any place but here. I immediately got a picture of bloodied bodies he was putting this wet EKG cleaning stick onto for months and now it got into my eye; blood mixture, sweat and every other hardly imaginable bodily fluid. I even saw the guy - ambulance driver - about whom I had complained earlier herein as I was waiting; he passed through several times in leather jacket hoping that I will notice him as someone most likely told him that I was there and he dropped by to get my reaction. To measure me up. I spent over 5 hours in the ER. Outside, I overheard male nurses or doctors as saying do not feel sorry for him, he is a bum!!! Of course this lie must come from one of the lodges,, there are four in Serbia and I know that at least one is good and the rest is garbage that got me to Serbia in the first place and broke my family to some extent. “He is a bum”, that is exactly why Amir took chances and got courage to splash this filthy liquid into my face as he is Muslim and Serbia is not a melting pot like USA so Muslim in Belgrade wants to be extra cool with everyone to be on a par. Muslim in Belgrade is either in favor of Vojislav Seselj and Tomislav Nikolic, the political extremes and radicals, or fully liberal; there are a few in the gray areas. Amir’s reaction leads me to believe that in his mind he felt safe to do whatever nasty thing he thought would provoke my reaction, being young age as he is, Amir thought that I was stinking and/or crazy nobody which must have been approved to him in some earlier conversation - they all know me. Then, when I react they (the lodges) have the basis to call me names etc. To cover their asses for their mistakes, I will never sell myself. Hell, this is Serbia. Now, I have a burning, damaged eye. I liked Wild West a bit better. In the Wild West noone plays dangerous games with other person's eyes. Sad ovo je Amir, a ovim savremenim Srbima dok ne zapretis oni uopste ne razmisljaju o tom da oni treba da budu ljudi na prvom mestu...i ja cu biti covek prema tebi, ili cu ti zlo vratiti duplo .

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Spending the rest of my life looking over shoulder... AS IF SOMEONE put me on Somebody's Lifetime Register Of Revenge! As if someone said to me "I'll make sure you never work and love again"! As if someone related to me is on Somebody's Revenge Register and nobody knows why things go wrong! I am suffering in silence. I've got no power to expose this evil. Exposed to public places public mobbing stirred up by some power lines...

Mistake: In the past I idolized Belgrade and Belgraders, but the truth is, this city is full of haters and best when looked from far, far away!!! Same is valid for USA that stand for the Freedom of Harrasment, Organized Gang Stalking and Mind Raping! I took my cell phones to service to check what type of disturbance was interrupting communication when I was in my home. Well, they found nothing which leads me to believe that someone has directed Tesla death rays or something that messes mind to my home from the statelite or from somewhere for saying...see above. It boggles why another Serb had to invent the death ray?! BOre se cak dotle da idu da suspenduju moj limundo nalog koji je bio na sifri topspin. to su govna nevidjena. (177 pozitivnih ocena, neutralnih 0, negativnih 0 ) Cao limundo, cao kupindo!!

I cannot tell how hard is to walk the streets of this city meaning no harm to anyone yet on every corner there is someone with hate in their eyes and blood on their hands. ORGANIZED GANG STALKING! As they did in USA, same cuisine and recipe, Serbian government is putting smoke up Serbian ass big time, and someone has to be their scapegoat, someone innocent to explain to the public why the price of bread has increased 80% and people need to have someone to kick around. Jesus needs to come back and kill all these motherfuckers. This injustice is killing me. It is probably why I have not had a girlfriend for a long time, because they would do anything to ruin my relationship as they did in United States. Even those unanointed by evil that started it all are now watching as woolly hoofed and horned cud chewing mammals and I feel like dancing bear; have thus painted the dancing bear self-portrait that had been posted up on the net for some time. I am more than afraid, death is the only way out as the Inquisition still lives. The cursed threads that operate it are powerful and long. This is adding insult to injury, my family has already been separated and destroyed for a long time; instead of compassion Serbs want my blood. I know one is blessed when harm is done to him by people if he is innocent. I am innocent. At least, I do not know what my guilt is, and I am paying for it. I am also the virgin, I have not slept with anyone. Custer attacked Sitting Bull and got killed. Custer attacked Crazy Horse and got killed. I have not attacked anyone, yet I am attacked mercilessly almost every all walks of life but those uneducated are hands down winning in their partying that goes on to my dismay. I have these proof photos, these are 2% of those that were harrasing me just recently... I feel like I have no power to live any more let alone take photographs.

looks like a cop, agent provocateur at any rate, quick to leave the crime scene, never minds
take a look at what this guy in red jacket is doing and you will find some similarity with the post below... he is steadily following me around and rattling his keys like a mad man; i consider such intense and intentional man made noise to be provoking and harrasment and since it is the first time i see this guy i must assume it is all organized by the serbian government which if this is all true is a piece of shit and not the government. they are going down but it is going to be only worse not better with the new ones.

someone there hiding behind the filthy booth

they are so beautiful, acting up when they know you cannot have it, is not that a pure harrasment? they must be virgins too

post office line: not it was not me, it was someone else...

Monday, March 14, 2011

THAT STATEMENT that will begin the novel...

31. јануар 2011.
Пре више од осам година неки Американци растурили су моју породицу. Једноставно у животињском пориву из обести, страсно и као свиња кад са апетитом расцепа мастан џак. Због тога своје дете нисам видео од 6. септембра 2002. године. Чак и као пропали студент права знам да оно што су урадили дубоко није исправно. Од тог септембарског дана, мозак ми је свакодневно силован и тако то поприште срама труне као последица тешке укорењене трауме. Искрено, срамота је бити силован.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Young and old, Serbians are obviously provoked into violence by somebody /neko u srbiji podstrekuje psine na agresiju jer im se olaksava trgovina drogom ako obecaju da ce me napadati, provocirati; what else, what other interest they have; provocations emerge in logarithmic progression/. Today, March the 6th, as I was passing by Hotel Slavija Delux I ran into the group of hooligans reeking of ganja who spread across the entire sidewalk, so I quickly had to step out of my way in order not to be run down by this gang who obviously walked this way on purpose. That leads me to believe that Serbians are cowards that mostly attack in groups and from behind even though the strongest one of them looked taller and stronger than me. Watch your back in Serbia all the time.
That left such a negative impression on me, that after for the first time in years I had seen someone that looked like could be a good female friend of mine in tramway #14 and she even gave me these (quasi Masonic) test signals and walked along after exiting at my station; unfortunately, I was speechless which scared the shit out of this young lady who walked by me for almost twenty meters ... and to my speechless heart /koje inace nije zaljubljive prirode/ and dismay she entered the store (approx. at 20:30 h) in Vitanovacka Str; perhaps she'll read this and kn ow why I was the unsaying creep & I do not think she was pulling my leg, she did bear interest in me and it is just disgusting when I remember that even in such a hostile place like United States I could had made a company after some trying. And, I walked free there in United States - there were no hooligans in search of the trouble. However, U.S. are disgusting on the other side of the medal -that is when you make a family then starts the real unseen psychological warfare, which lasts and lasts, if they pick on you - the FBI goes after your wife, does abnormal things so when you hear what goes on you go mad, and it seems like it just happened that way, your wife was with someone, you hear about it from various people, but it all is a police set up. I am not saying it did not happen, I am saying it happened with the compliments of the (I guess secret) police and circles of power. In Serbia, it does not get to these levels, it is just more simple such as hooligans on the street which ruin your life so you are unable to relax and make yourself talk to the young lady. ..