Saturday, April 30, 2011


another wild pass at nobody? not. i am passing this on to God.

IT is very sad to see these Serbian Young Turks (all the Young Turks werent really Turkish but Jewish instead)who believe that by pushing me around they will obtain the status of Novak Djokovic and become National Heroes in the eyes of the NaTION. As if someone is suggesting them. I verily cannot be safe at public transportation as someone is keeping this situation on THE "hot and cold" menu. As soon as I adApt and believe that I am invincible (check if invincible or invisible? ) again there comessome unknown Serbian Young thug or thugs who kick me around or make my life miserable. These are the same Serbian cowards who chased Armenians in Belgrade several decades ago, which only implies you cannot be sitting on two chairs at the same time. Either you are a Turk or not. Gone are the times (and thanks be to Lord, with them the journalists too who propagated violence in their articles) when national heroes were toughed out on the basketball courts in Belgrade and on the streets plaqued by murders, drugs, and crime. These national heroes were popularized in newspapers and the crime was the only way to the top. Our new hero is Novak Djokovic and these young hooligans need to know that rap music, guns and violence can help their peers in the countries that nowadays do not have 2 top players in the top twenty (need not naming a few) - not in Serbia anymore.

Milos Vujasinovic is a collector, painter, critic, curator, consultant, poet, tennis referee, music lover and writer. After studying law and defence at the University of Belgrade he was distracted by the military role-call to fight in Yugoslav Wars. Unwilling to misemploy his uncowardly valiance, he commanded his future and set out for USA where he was seduced by the lure of art and has been so ever since. Vujasinovic has since returned to Belgrade where he has lived for nearly 9 years trading collectibles and doing translation work per invitation.

"As an artist, I am afraid that after me they will go after my art and destroy everything I ever made.This fear blocks my personal advancement." - Milos Vujasinovic

Here's another clue: During a lecture Nikola Tesla was giving away at Columbia University another American Serb Mihajlo Pupin and his cohorts were whistling, making man made noises with metal objects, kicking desks, and disturbing Tesla to the point of deep agitation. Later Tesla had to bring Pupin to court to have him testify under oath that Markoni stole Tesla's patents. Jealous Pupin even forgot when Tesla helped him when Pupin came to America. Meanwhile Pupin became the lodge member. Why was Pupin making noises? It was because Tesla was not a member of any lodge and was not Pupin's by-brother. He did not care that Tesla was right and that they both stemmed from the same country. Maybe I am wrong but perhaps there are some lodges of equity ### type in USA where for the members to be initiated it is necessary to make something evil to somebody from their Church, a countryman so to say, to prove unlimited allegiance to the brotherhood just like mafia members have to kill someone they know without remorse only to show they do not bring in any emotions in the business. In the same sense, I deeply feel I was killed too when they deconstructed my family. However, unlike Tesla I did not have powerful friends to regain my balance. I am gone. If that is not so when those that did it are not even liable to be accounted for it must be that those 2% of psychopats in any population had found their ways into the lodges wherefrom they can unlimitedly and unaccountably destroy families. in the same sense, to face the reality, i heard "she belongs to me" meaning in context that someone said somewhere that my ex-wife was meant for him. by no means this was judge's mistake of any sort, it was a judicial favor to some brother, the lodge member, as they assume with power they hold they can have everything and everything was meant for them. iNFAMOUS FOR NOTHING

that said let me quote the famous serbian writer jasmina: "slava - stanje u kojem cete biti voljeni velikom kolicinommrznje. stanje u kojem cete gubiti dotadasnje prijatelje i sticati vrlo , vrlo malo novih. stanje u kojem ste potpuno sami sa milionima obozavalaca. stanje u kojem ste poput kuceta. svako vas moze dodirnuti, ili baciti kamen na vas. stanje koje se ne prasta. bar ne u srba. he naturally does not end up with 'it's always sunny in Philadelphia...' I CANNOT AGREE MORE AND I DO NOT WANT TO BE FAMOUS AROUND HERE FOR NOTHING ANYMORE!!! PERIOD.

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